Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Musical Adventure

A number of friends often ask how I managed to find out about so many unknown bands. The answer is simple: Explore Music With An Opened Mind. Without internet, we explore the bands at the friendly record stores that are willing to let us try the CDs. Trust me, it is a time consuming activity and requires a dedicated passion. If you come across any CDs you dislike, just skip them. The main problem is when there are too many CDs you like - more cash flow going outwards. Sometimes, you need to be a regular at the stores and be friendly to the salespersons. If you're lucky, you may come across a salesperson who "clicks" with your taste of music and they could be very helpful in your exploration by supplying hints and suggestion. I know it is very rare for alternative music in Malaysia. I only come across 2 salespersons who are really helpful for the past 20+ years. Honestly, I also rarely come across people who are as adventurous as my friends Joe Kidd, Wei Chuet and myself. Anyway, that's why it's called "alternative music" - we are the rare alternative species! With the availability of internet, music exploration is HEAVEN!!

This morning while checking out an old music video of Chapterhouse, I discovered a noise-pop band named Thrushes. The band is originated from Baltimore, MD, U.S. Yes, it's very common to find dream-pop, shoegazer, noise-pop bands from the U.S. these days being influenced by the 90s British bands. I find this new band interesting although relatively unknown. I could hardly find any information about them online except for a few video clips and their website. They remind me of all the shoegazers of the 90s. I am very impressed with the music of Thrushes. I am now thinking of ordering their album online. If you're adventurous and willing to explore alternative music, this could be your starting point:

A Link to the website of Thrush

Thrushes with "Trees":

Thrushes with "Heartbeats":

Thrushes with "Aidan Quinn":

As a true music fan, the exploration does not start and end at only new bands. You should also stray beyond the border to old bands. It's like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get...like the saying of Forrest Gump. Here are some video clips I have been exploring.

1. The Charlottes with "Liar" - a shoegazer band that was unknown to me until this morning. I could not find any information about this band at all. By the way, to those wondering why these bands are called "shoegazer", check out this video. It's a shame that the video is half way through when it is cut off. #@*%

2. Chapterhouse with "Pearl" - this is another old 90s British shoegazer band that I have almost forgotten.

3. Fleeting Joys with "The Breakup" - this is another unknown band that sounds like My Bloody Valentine to me. Still unknown to me. They sound so similar to My Bloody Valentine that I do not hesitate to call them as My Bloody Valentine's copycat.

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