Monday, January 19, 2009

Credit Card Problem At Petrol Station - What's Going On?

This morning I tried to use my wife's credit card to pump petrol because she wanted to collect some points. I tried slotting in the credit card to the card reader a few times but it kept displaying a message indicating the chip could not be read or timeout error message. I proceeded to another card reader thinking that the initial one was faulty. Again I got the same error message. I thought the credit card was faulty. Upon reaching the office, I called my wife complaining that she gave me a faulty credit card. She told me she was facing the same problem yesterday using another of her credit card to pump petrol in outstation.

Anybody knows what's going on? The whole nation's petrol stations' credit card system is down? Petrol stations do not accept credit cards again? I could not find any news on the news media or even google.

Perhaps, I am the first one to complain online. Am I??


As of 21 Jan 2009 morning, I managed to pump petrol at the same BHP petrol station using the same credit card without any issue. It's not a faulty credit card and it's not a faulty machine but I guess the system was down yesterday morning.


Jayzen said...

can... i tried it in Petronas yesterday

Umbrella Rec said...

Let me try today. Maybe it hits one particular gas station only.