Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pre-Chinese New Year Tanks Cleaned Up

I got frustrated with moss finally after going crazy about various types of moss in the last few years. I have tried Java Moss, Christmas Moss, Taiwan Moss, Spiky Moss and Weeping Moss. The problem with moss is not keeping it alive but keeping it well maintained. Meaning keeping it clean (debris free) and algae free. Trust me, moss is a algae magnet. You can keep it nice and clean for months but the moment you're away from home, the moss will be screwed up. Hair algae is likely to grow along with the moss and by the time you return home, you can say farewell to the moss because getting rid of the hair algae is almost impossible without killing the moss. If you use Seachem Excel, you're likely to kill the moss along with it. The same applies for bleach. Yeah, I'm not kidding that I have dipped my moss into some bleach mixed with water. Even bleaching the moss does not get rid of the hair algae. The annoying algae will return in a matter of time.

I threw away a tank full of moss. I had also dumped another tank full of moss into a breeding tank that I didn't care if they live or die. The tanks were in a big mess and had to be rescaped and a cleaned up after getting rid of the moss.

Here are some photos taken after getting of the moss in two of my tanks:

This is the 50 gallon tank that I didn't mess around but it has some "accidental" unknown moss growing inside. I guarantee that I will get rid of the moss if I happened to see any hair algae.

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