Monday, May 12, 2008

Going Aqua

No, I am not turning into an "Ah Kua" (fag). Just sharing my recent aquarium setup.

I started this hobby since I was 5 or 6 years old with some bettas my dad brought home. Although I quit the hobby in the 90s for more than a decade but I have eventually returned to my root. I have to admit I did it the wrong way in fish keeping in the past. Thanks to the internet that I have learned the proper way.

Keeping fish is no longer a cheap hobby because it involves lots of high tech stuff. The hobby is not just about keeping a goldfish in a bare tank. It has grown very advanced these days.

I "adopted" an abandoned standard 3 feet tank from my neighbour. It is now my sixth tank. It's still in a very good condition. Free tank but it's not free to set it up. Trust me, I spent a fortune for it. This tank of mine is considered a low tech setup because it does not even use any CO2 and I am only keeping low light plants with low maintenance. Here's a list of the expenses (minus water bill, electricity bill, fishes, fish food, fertiliser, petrol and time):

1. Used 2215 Eheim filter: RM250
2. Lighting with two 36 watt PLLs: RM200
3. Driftwoods + Rocks: RM80
4. Holland Sand: RM80
5. Plants: I got some of them free and paid a friend RM10 to cover his transport. I have saved a lot due to my friends
6. Stand: RM75
7. Paint & Brush: About RM20 (I repainted the newly purchased stand because of some scratches)

List of plants:

1. Narrow Leaf Ferns
2. Anubias Nana
3. Philippines Ferns
4. A tiny clump of Weeping Moss I think (I added in unintentionally)
5. Subwassertang (sea grass)....hmm, it sounds like German...perhaps it's in German

List of fishes:
1. Yellow Phantom Tetras
2. Boraras Maculatus
3. Kuhli Loaches
4. Cherry Barbs
5. Ottocinclus Affinis
6. Siamese Algae Eaters

Sorry, I hardly count the number of fishes in my tanks.

Thanks to Nasir for the plants, guidance and spending hours with me selecting driftwoods. Also thanks to Sonia for the plants.

During the phrase of testing the tank for leakage:

The tank as of today. Cycling process has just ended:

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