Saturday, September 05, 2009

No Fishing! Can't You Read, Idiots?

This morning as I walked to the park near Ara Damansara, I came across 5 "blind" Malaysians adults fishing in the lake when the the signboards had been placed around the lake indicating "No fishing" or "Dilarang memancing" in Malay. The signboards even came with pictures that a 5 year-old kid could understand.

Normally I saw kids below 12 years old trying to fish in the lake. Most probably they caught nothing. Today, I was so surprised to see adults in their 20s-50s fishing at the lake. I was pretty sure they're Malaysians and not foreigners. At the inner part of thye lake, I saw two Chinese men probably in their 30s and 50s, fishing with a big bucket. At the outer part of the lake on a wooden bridge, I saw a Malay man and two Indian men doing the criminal acts.

What a coincidence! They comprised of 3 main races of Malaysia. I am ashamed!! In my heart I was sinking and asking them, "Can't you read the signboards, idiots?".

Not many people were at the lake because it was approaching noon. I only met a man doing his morning walk like myself. He probably was asking the same question to those "criminals". We walked pass and greeted each other with a simple "good morning". He just gave me the look and smile indicating there were idiots in the park.

There was a man cleaning the park but he seemed to be ignorant although the crime was carried out right in front of him. Probably, it was not his responsibility to catch the "criminals". There was a police station nearby but I think it was not their responsibilities to take care of the park too. There's no such thing as any park ranger in a small park like this I suppose.

No wonder a lot of parks in Malaysia look worse than cemetery!!!!

1 comment:

LC said...

所以你没看到吗,很多地方很多时候都很干净,直到有Dilarang membuang sampah的signboard出现为止.