Echinodorus tenellus (old name)/Elianthium tenellum (new name) - widely known as tenellus, fast growing
Japanese hair grass - somehow slow growth based on my experience
Common hair grass - somehow slow growth based on my experience
Lileaopsis brasiliensis - submerged - died. Emersed - successful but slow growth
Glosso - all dead with NPT - could be insufficient light
Hydrocotyle verticillata- melted or stunted in NPT. Successful in a tank with ADA Amazonia soil and CO2 supplied
Marsilea hirsuta - easy but slow growth
Cryptocoryne parva - died in submerged form but slow growth in emersed form
Mid ground:
Blyxa japonica - reasonably easy to grow but may die off out of a sudden if something goes wrong (i.e. being messed by fishes...digging)
Various Cryptocoryne wendtii (such as green gecko) - easy
Bacopa monnieri - not looking good. Dump to emersed setup for testing
Bacopa caroliniana - easy but got bored of it
Marsilea quadrifolia - very easy but seems to be killed by plants disease now
Hemianthus micranthemoides - supposed to be easy but mine melted due to lack of light. Still testing after replacing the lighting.
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia - easy
Potamogeton gayi - easy to grow but sensitive to Seachem Excel
Corkscrew vallisneria - easy to grow
Cyperus helferi - killed by what I believe is plant disease
Tonina sp. 'Belem' - initially quite easy but disappeared from the tank after a while. Alien abduction?
Green rotala - melted in NPT but growing relatively easy floating in an outdoor pail & emersed form
Limnophila sp. "Vietnam" - melted
Ludwigia repens - easy
Hygrophila polysperma - grew too awful in NPT
Sagittaria subulata - easy
Cryptocoryne balansae - relatively easy initially but went missing now
Water wisteria - very easy but it's too big
Pogostemon sp Babien Laos - easy
Limnophila sp. Vietnam - melted
Myriophyllum mattogrossense - easy
Myriophyllum tuberculatum - slow growth
Limnophila aromatica - melted
Vallisneria nana - died
Vallisneria spiralis - easy
Cryptocoryne spiralis - easy but went missing
Pogostemon stellatus 'Octopus' - very easy
Hygrophila polysperma 'Ceylon' - very easy
Hygrophila pinnatifida - easy but slow growth
Elodea/Egeria densa - good for fry
Hornwort - good for fry
Duckweed - truly a weed, could be annoying
Cabomba - annoying as it keeps breaking off
Salvinia natans - truly a weed, could be annoying but not as annoying as duckweed
Water lettuce/Pistia stratiotes - very easy
Attached to driftwood/rocks:
Spiky moss - easy but beware of hair algae
Christmas moss - easy but beware of hair algae
Taiwan moss - easy but beware of hair algae
Java moss - easy but beware of hair algae
Weeping moss - Growth is too slow. 2nd attempt seems successful
Riccia - annoying as it kept floating every now and then
Anubias nana - eaten by Kribs
Anubias nana 'petite' - eaten by Kribs
Java fern - needs colder temperature
Mini Java fern - needs colder temperature
Philippines fern - needs colder temperature
Windelov - needs colder temperature
Narrow leaf fern - died
Bolbotis - died during my first 3-4 attempts. Currently trying again and it seems to be growing.
Subwassertang - very easy