Since there is no action from them, I will continue to warn people about their crappy interface. This time I have captured the screens.
When booking for your flight ticket with Air Asia, you need to be extra careful about GoInsure if you do not intend to purchase it. The web based booking system's interface is very confusing and you can be easily tricked into purchasing it.
When booking the flight, in Payment page, you need to be very alert. Look out for the right section of the page where I circle in the following screen. You need to click the word "[Cancel]" in order to cancel avoid paying for GoInsure. Note: Please click on the image to get a better view.
After clicking on the word "[Cancel]", a pop-up window as follows will appear. Note: Please click on the image to get a better view.
By default, majority of the users will click on "OK" thinking that OK is to agree to cancel the GoInsure but not for this crappy interface. For this pop-up window, the users are expected to click "Cancel" button in order to cancel GoInsure. Do you see what I mean by confusing? If the users are in a hurry or careless, very likely that the poor users will end up purchasing GoInsure. As a software developer, I personally think that this system is not professionally developed at all. It has the intention to cause confusion to the users. Do we call this cheating?
I wonder which idiot created/designed/tested this user interface and which idiot agreed to accept this lousy user interface on behalf of Air Asia!!!
This remind me of my experience when I want to cancel my Astro subscription.
I see agent to help you install Astro everywhere, but to cancel subscription the only way is to call a phone number in KL. Neither can I do do this by email, internet or go to their dealer.
And when I call, I get something like: " there are currently 40 persons on Q, please wait for a moment" and follow by Astro telephone commercial. The same message will repeat again after all commercial available finished.
I have no choice but to wait with the phone for the Q number to drop slowly until my turn. It take more than 30 minutes.
If you are free, go try this yourself. I have loss the phone number, but you can start from looking for the telephone number and you will see what I mean.
Youdon't have to give me the Astro's number. I have encountered it myself. I tried to call them asking for help about a problem I was facing. I encountered exactly what you mentioned. Sometimes the phone line dropped when you're on the line for too long. I got really angry and frustrated. Thank goodness that those days I had a friend working in Astro that helped me. I can tell you that MAS is no different too. I can say that I am very disappointed with almost all the big corporates in Malaysia. I usually don't have very high hope for them when I need them.
Anyway, putting my expectation low on TMNet made me feel better because I found their service to have improved lately. They called me twice to make sure the problem I complained was fixed and the technician was friendly.
I don't think Tony will even care to reply your mail. That's their way of doing business. They confuse you and yet you cannot say they cheat you. It is written on the screen and people tends to click according to they usual habits Ok or cancel without reading the message. This is their strategy to earn money in a way that it is legal.They created this user interface purposely as per Airasia request as I think. So next time need to be careful with Airasia bookings as there is many 'traps' in it. another section to be careful will be the baggage check in.
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