Just to keep track of aquatic plants I have tried planting regardless I have successful or failed.
1. Egeria densa - grows like weed in the outdoor tank.
2. Hornwort - grows like weed in the outdoor tank.
3. Salvinia - grows like weed in the outdoor tank.
4. Water lettuce - grows like weed in the outdoor tank.
5. Rotala Green - rot at the bottom part in the indoor tank but growing well outdoor and partially immersed.
6. Cryptocoryne Wendtii - Growing but very slow.
7. Subwassertang - growing like weeds indoor.
8. Christmas moss - growing fine until hit by hair algae. So they went to the bin.
9. Taiwan moss - growing fine until hit by hair algae. So they went to the bin.
10. Spiky moss - growing fine until hit by hair algae. So they went to the bin.
11. Java moss - growing fine until hit by hair algae. So they went to the bin. Still have a bit of escapees in the tank.
12. Weeping moss - growing very slow and eventually hit by hair algae. So they went to the bin.
13. Java ferns - growing well in one tank but dying in another tank.
14. Narrow leaf ferns - growing well but in miniature form. However they slowly turn bald. Temperature may be too high.
15. Java fern windelov - growing well in one tank but dying in another tank.
16. Potamogeton gayi - growing like weeds.
17. Water wisteria (2 species) - growing well outdoor.
18. Marsilea (two species) - growing well but the short foreground one is slow. The tall one grows like weed.
19. Hairgrass - still testing. Successfully planted immersed.
20. Sagittaria subulata - growing like weeds and flowering.
21. Anubias Nana Petite - Alive but stunted.
22. Anubias Nana - eaten by Kribensis. Trying again in a different tank.
23. Philippines fern - growing well but covered by subwassertang and went missing.
24. Riccia fluitans - growing like weeds but end up in the bin.
25. Bolbitis - stunted. Water temperature is too high.
26. Duckweed - truly weeds. So, end up in the bin.
27. Cryptocoryne balansae - growing reasonably well.
28. Crytocoryne spiralis - growing slowly.
29. Cabomba - disintegrated and died.
30. Bacopa - alive but covered by BBA easily.
31. Hydrocotyle sp - growing slowly.
32. Limnophila aromatica
- died in NPT.
33. Blyxa Japonica - eaten and destroyed by Kribensis. Otherwise growing well in NPT.
34. Echinodorus tenellus - growing well.
35. Eleocharis vivipara - growing well but have to trim too regularly. So, end up in the bin.
36. Hygrophila polysperma - overtook by BBA in NPT. So end up in the bin.
37. Corkscrew Vallisneria - growing well.
38. Vallisneria Nana - died.
39. Vallisneria americana - growing well.
40. Cyperus Helferi - growing well initially but slowly losing the leaves after 1 year.