The political situation in Malaysia is so shameful lately. I have nothing to be proud about the politicians based on their childish ways of accusation & blame for the sake of politics, instead of doing their duty to improve the lives of the common people. I can observe that the country is currently stagnant or rather going down hill. It's very sad indeed!
I am pretty sure that most of you are aware that the local underground band, Carburetor Dung, has gone "upper ground" now. Thanks to the media. Thanks to the conservative people. And of course, not forgetting the boxer short stunt. The incident showed how narrow minded and conservative are some Malaysians. Tell me, what's the difference between a boxer short and a short??? Does a boxer short shows any bare skin of the butt? Yeah, you can say that showing the boxer short stunt is not a part of the culture of Malaysia. What about throwing bottles and whacking people? You have created a bad name for PKR by doing the stupid act - now who is laughing? Obviously BN! I am not defending the band because one of the band members is an old friend of mine. I am voicing out because I am sick of of some Malaysians who are extremely narrow minded. "Macam katak di bawah tempurung" (a frog in a coconut shell). I don't blame this incident on the political leaders but I blame this on narrow minded individuals.
People!! Even if you intend to turn this South East Asian country into an "Arab" country, please bear in mind that some Arab countries are even more liberal than our society. I have Muslim friends travelling to Jordan telling me the women in the city are more liberal in their dress code than Malaysians. Those living in rural areas are different story though. Do we want to learn from those coming from rural areas? Stoning an unmarried couple to death because they held each other's hands? Thank carefully!!! In a multi-cultural country this is not acceptable. By the way, imitating Arabs is not a local culture too.
Grow up and be more liberal, my dear friends!!